Friday, April 4, 2008

sounds about right...

oh the wonderland... oh the adventure... oh the rollercoaster that is my love life. not to be too impressed with the level of awesome that was week one of a new amour, it turns out that the possiblity of a return to england (permanently) wades on the horizon.

please... send me someone lovely, that for the first time in years i actually think about spending massive amounts of time with... and then take him away again. because that just makes my day.

that dead inside mantra was a lot easier on the soul...that's for darn sure.


Karen said...

now i'm sad. it's not definite, though, right? we'll be keeping our fingers crossed over here.

new york dactyl said...

no... not definite.

i'm just trying to stave off queries as to the status of what not...

Karen said...

good. because i want to know what it's like when he screams "Give it to me harder, Dactyl" in that accent.

Maybe you could even record it.

new york dactyl said...

he does read this from time to time k-rod. well done. :)

Karen said...

I was hoping for that. ;-)

Karen said...

No go weigh in on my post today, dammit.

Karen said...

NOW, I meant.

Chriselda said...

been here
done that
have the tshirt
and postcard

fingers crossed in texas too!
btw, nice teeth

ok. weirdness over

chira said...

in the past i would have posted something uplifting about long d relationships, love and foreign men in general.

but in this case due to my personal experiences i will keep my negative nancy mouth shut and hope you enjoy his accent as long as you can.

good luck to you and cheers.

new york dactyl said...

yeah i know chirastar... although i think in this case, it's over before it even starts. :(

hugs, friend.