over the weekend i saw pan's labyrinth with jacob. a couple of things: 1) i had no idea it was a foreign film and that i'd be reading subtitles (not a problem, sometimes i don't bother reading them just to test my spanish skills... not too shabby i must say)... and 2) by the title, one would expect some sort of fanciful plotline... not war and civil unrest. that said, it was a really beautiful movie, well done, competently acted and worth full theater price viewage. you should go see it. do.
i can't decide if i'm actually lightheaded right now, or if the effects of potential gas leaks have my mind playing tricks on me. all i know is that it really smelled quite bad this morning when i got here. now not so much.
humorous sidenote (and by humorous, i'm mentioning it only because it's amusing to me): i netflixed criminal last week and found it to be an amusing story... and then last night started watching nine stamps (or whatever the hell the title is/was) which is a spanish foreign film... turns out thus far the plotlines are identical. i stopped the movie about fifteen minutes into because i really don't feel like watching the same movie again... and by watching i mean READING since it's in spanish. still... amusing.
blah blah blah...
and in other news, i need to get myself some of these:
because it's raining donkey balls now and totally ruins my trousers by the time i get into work.