Friday, May 1, 2009

an lic scrub...

i love that i feel no remorse whatsoever when i walk downstairs to the coffee place below my apartment and get coffee... not having brushed my hair or teeth, and wearing ink stained scrubs (that really look like i had a purple accident but whatever) and a tank top. i slap my dollar down on the counter and the girls know that i need my small coffee, two sugars, half and half.

just over two months after being laid off, i'm still not working, and have no new photo gigs coming in. somehow, the fact that the guy i was seeing decided to break up with me via text message a few weeks ago, has faded into nothingness... and i'm left wondering 'who was the guy that i was falling for in the beginning? because that certainly wasnt who i got towards the end'. that cowardly slow fade maneuver. why can't people just TALK to each other? i will never understand men. every girlfriend that i have swears within an inch of herself that she'd easily marry me were she a lesbian. whatever. maybe it's my own fault. i only let a select few see the magic... and only a certain kind of man is going to be able to understand and appreciate the magic.

the point is... he's gone and out of my life... and all i'll take with me is the memory of seven orgasms in one go. seven. monica geller would be proud.

with the window slightly cracked open to let in the cool spring(ish) breeze (happy spring), i can smell the beginning scents of the lunch service at the local chinese joint. this is what i've been waking up to lately. suddenly i'm awake and craving chicken chow mein. what the frick. i'm on a pilates kick, and ordered old school tai bo dvds in the mail. they're taking forever to get here, but i am DETERMINED to get my shizzle back together myself. no gym memberships.

i have a date tonight. with a man that has a small hoop earring in one ear. at what point in the scheme of the dating can i gently suggest that he get rid of it. because really, my inner self is screaming 'STOP BEING A GAY PIRATE, THIS IS NOT 1992!!!'...

or something.

i promise to write every day. it's a goal. so stay on me about it.


Karen said...

Can I be so bold and say that this is the best of your posts that i've read in a while. I love when you are transparent.

Karen said...


Forgot the question mark. That's so gonna bug me.

Anonymous said...

Tara young,beautiful no strings attached... as long as you keep up your retirement account the world is yours!

Heather said...

YAY! She's back! :)

Ditto what Karen said.

And methinks you should meditate, find out exactly where that little inner voice is saying it wants you to go (to live, to work, whatever), and jump.
You've got absolutely nothing keeping you from doing it now. (Don't say money or I'll fly over there just to hit you. There's a way, regardless of money.)


Heather said...

Oh and dude -- I so will dig out my old Tae Bo and roundhouse with you.... long-distance like...

Jennifer said...

i fell in love with you all over again reading this, the truth, the emotion, still feels raw. xoxo