Wednesday, May 13, 2009

oh my god chinese place across the street please stop your incessant wafting!

seriously with the chinese food smells blowing through my bedroom window and subsequently right into my nostrils first thing in the morning. STOP IT! i haven't actually succumb to the chinese food tauntings, but damn. this is ridiculous.

i spent a good six hours yesterday chatting with a new dude, and giggling, and twirling my feet in the air (which i'm likely to do when i'm happy)... and it was delightful... and a little enchanting. and felt really nice. and maybe i'm still smiling. and i went to bed late and woke up early because i was still smiling...

... and trying REALLY REALLY hard to get my sleep schedule back on track, because unemployment somehow makes you want to stay up late to watch channel 11 late night tv, and then hit the snooze bar 87 times the next morning. so cheers to me being up on time even though i could potentially still be sleeping.


1 comment:

Heather said...

Three days later, and there's feet-twirling.

NICE. :)

Loving you.
Come see me soon.
(Oh, that's right -- YOU ARE!! :D)