Sunday, March 23, 2008

a veritable explosion of awesome in queens...

it. was. gorgeous today.

after spending all day yesterday helping sole and jacob paint their apartment, i got to spend today soaking up the awesome that is eric laurits. in my role as mentee, i watched him work his magic for some engagement photos for my friends. i'm a little overwhelmed, and have a ton of photos to dig through, but i'm feeling rather giddy, and very happy to have legitimized a new, good friend.

so thanks eric... you can have awesome for today.

and yes, he really is that pretty and enigmatic in person.
i might have just licked my screen...


Hillary said...

erm ... I just licked my screen too

does that mean we just accidentally frenched?

new york dactyl said...

it might hill, but i LIKED it!! :)

Miss Awesome said...

I just want to poke the tip of that cute little nose of his. Just poke and poke and poke until it turns red. Then I'll kiss it.

Anonymous said...

My God. Every time that beautiful face comes across my RSS feeds, I end up with smears all over my monitor.

new york dactyl said...

@ lifelove - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! awesome.

chira said...

hot damn.

eric said...

dear Tara,

As part of my mentorship I feel it my duty to inform you that, though you are prone to "licking" your computer screen, you will have trouble color correcting your images as saliva can tend to desaturate the reds and you'll have trouble getting your skin tones right.

i heart run on sentences.

you, my friend are a fantastic photographer. Thanks for the inspiration.


new york dactyl said...

hahahahahahahaaha. eric, you are a true delight.

Anonymous said...

I do love eric :)

new york dactyl said...

E... you are a LEGEND!