Tuesday, November 6, 2007

catch me if you can...

we made a very interesting discovery this morning as we were leaving to get our coffee (we meaning my coworker j and i... not we as in all of my personalities, thank you). j and i were doing some festive little dance moves in the elevator on the way down, and it occurred to j that there might be cameras in with us. i'm quite certain that there are cameras all over the place in this building, but really i just turn to the corners and give whoever is watching a big thumbs up.

when we got downstairs i asked the security desk if they could see in the elevators, and of course... they can. j got a little somber and admitted to adjusting stockings and pulling wedgies out whilst riding the elevator. please... that's it? i work on high up boogs, practice my vocal stylings and slam dancing moves, AND adjust my stockings.

you gotta keep the security staff happy... i mean... they're there for your security!!

carry on.


Karen said...

I'm surprised some security guard hasn't had the bright idea to You Tube elevator rides. Surely your boog picking and stocking adjustments isn't the craziest thing by far that they see.

jennifer summer said...

Ha Ha. Daniel and I always make out in elevators 'cause we had our first kiss in one. And I usually end up flashing the camera.

We're Like That.

Karen Picard Kahn said...

bwahahahahahahaha!!!! ;)

hanomaly said...

you are awesome. i would like to ride in an elevator with you some time. you can pull up my stripey socks for me as i wink at them. that will get them rolling around.